What is another word for simple?

Synonyms for simple
ˈsɪm pəlsim·ple

This thesaurus page includes all potential synonyms, words with the same meaning and similar terms for the word simple.

Wiktionary0.0 / 0 votes

  1. simpleadjective


    compound, complicated, complex

  2. simpleadjective

    Uncomplicated; taken by itself, with nothing added.



  3. simpleadjective

    Without ornamentation; plain.


  4. simpleadjective

    Free from duplicity; guileless, innocent, straightforward.


  5. simpleadjective

    Undistinguished in social condition; of no special rank.


  6. simpleadjective

    Trivial; insignificant.


  7. simpleadjective

    Feeble-minded; foolish.


  8. simpleadjective

    Consisting of one single substance; uncompounded.


  9. simpleadjective

    Of a group: having no normal subgroup.


  10. simpleadjective

    Not compound, but possibly lobed.


English Synonyms and Antonyms5.0 / 1 vote

  1. simple

    A candid statement is meant to be true to the real facts and just to all parties; a fair statement is really so. Fair is applied to the conduct; candid is not; as, fair treatment, "a fair field, and no favor." One who is frank has a fearless and unconstrained truthfulness. Honest and ingenuous unite in expressing contempt for deceit. On the other hand, artless, guileless, naive, simple, and unsophisticated express the goodness which comes from want of the knowledge or thought of evil. As truth is not always agreeable or timely, candid and frank have often an objectionable sense; "to be candid with you," "to be perfectly frank," are regarded as sure preludes to something disagreeable. Open and unreserved may imply unstudied truthfulness or defiant recklessness; as, open admiration, open robbery. There may be transparent integrity or transparent fraud. Sincere applies to the feelings, as being all that one's words would imply.

    aboveboard, artless, candid, fair, frank, guileless, honest, impartial, ingenuous, innocent, naive, open, sincere, straightforward, transparent, truthful, unbiased, unprejudiced, unreserved, unsophisticated

    adroit, artful, crafty, cunning, deceitful, designing, diplomatic, foxy, insincere, intriguing, knowing, maneuvering, sharp, shrewd, sly, subtle, tricky, wily

    Candid in debate; candid to or toward opponents; candid with friend or foe; to be candid about or in regard to the matter.

Princeton's WordNet3.7 / 3 votes

  1. simplenoun

    any herbaceous plant having medicinal properties


    pinnatifid, interlocking, pedate, thickening, palm-shaped, trilobated, convoluted, bilobed, fancy, tripinnate, trilobate, trifoliate, parted, bipinnatifid, cleft, odd-pinnate, trilobed, decompound, binate, composite, lobate, interlacing, labyrinthine, even-pinnate, difficult, palmatifid, mazy, labyrinthian, tangled, tortuous, bipartite, sophisticated, knotty, incised, ternate, interlinking, daedal, compound, pinnatisect, trifoliolate, palmate, analyzable, lobed, precocious, Gordian, dissected, hard, complicated, radiate, Byzantine, multifactorial, complex, abruptly-pinnate, multiplex, three-lobed, interwoven, bilobated, trifoliated, pinnate, tripinnated, decomposable, quinquefoliate, bipinnate, imparipinnate, conjugate, pinnated, involved, tripinnatifid, intricate, colonial, bilobate, paripinnate

  2. simpleton, simpleadjective

    a person lacking intelligence or common sense


    complex, cleft, hard, trilobed, quinquefoliate, compound, bilobed, bipinnate, trifoliolate, multifactorial, difficult, three-lobed, odd-pinnate, interwoven, palmatifid, knotty, bilobate, parted, trifoliate, daedal, pinnate, analyzable, tangled, tripinnated, sophisticated, interlocking, bipinnatifid, fancy, lobate, composite, trifoliated, tripinnatifid, Byzantine, interlinking, bipartite, thickening, bilobated, tripinnate, intricate, trilobated, incised, even-pinnate, imparipinnate, labyrinthian, complicated, pinnatisect, palmate, Gordian, decomposable, paripinnate, convoluted, precocious, colonial, labyrinthine, decompound, mazy, pinnated, abruptly-pinnate, dissected, lobed, conjugate, tortuous, palm-shaped, binate, pedate, pinnatifid, interlacing, involved, ternate, multiplex, trilobate, radiate

  3. simpleadjective

    having few parts; not complex or complicated or involved

    "a simple problem"; "simple mechanisms"; "a simple design"; "a simple substance"

    wide-eyed, dewy-eyed, simple-minded, dim-witted, elementary, unproblematic, simple(a), childlike, round-eyed, mere(a), unsubdivided, bare(a), uncomplicated

    mazy, trilobed, pedate, tangled, lobed, dissected, interlacing, incised, palm-shaped, bilobate, trifoliated, palmatifid, bipinnate, interlocking, cleft, sophisticated, thickening, tripinnatifid, pinnatifid, decompound, involved, paripinnate, precocious, complicated, odd-pinnate, Byzantine, three-lobed, tripinnated, analyzable, bilobed, radiate, trifoliolate, daedal, interlinking, interwoven, labyrinthine, tortuous, convoluted, difficult, binate, even-pinnate, decomposable, ternate, composite, bipinnatifid, multifactorial, bipartite, trifoliate, pinnated, knotty, bilobated, palmate, pinnate, tripinnate, multiplex, fancy, quinquefoliate, hard, Gordian, compound, trilobated, intricate, labyrinthian, complex, lobate, abruptly-pinnate, parted, colonial, pinnatisect, imparipinnate, conjugate, trilobate

  4. elementary, simple, uncomplicated, unproblematicadjective

    easy and not involved or complicated

    "an elementary problem in statistics"; "elementary, my dear Watson"; "a simple game"; "found an uncomplicated solution to the problem"

    uncomplicated, mere(a), simple(a), unproblematic, unsubdivided, dewy-eyed, round-eyed, elemental, bare(a), primary, elementary, dim-witted, childlike, simple-minded, unsophisticated, wide-eyed

    colonial, involved, palmate, imparipinnate, conjugate, trifoliated, pinnate, binate, compound, abruptly-pinnate, tripinnated, decomposable, paripinnate, precocious, interlinking, bipinnate, labyrinthian, palmatifid, pedate, complicated, trilobed, tangled, bilobate, knotty, complex, bipinnatifid, incised, trilobated, multiplex, pinnated, hard, odd-pinnate, parted, Gordian, mazy, interwoven, tortuous, intricate, tripinnate, composite, convoluted, three-lobed, cleft, difficult, daedal, trilobate, tripinnatifid, palm-shaped, dissected, ternate, interlacing, bipartite, multifactorial, pinnatisect, interlocking, analyzable, fancy, quinquefoliate, decompound, even-pinnate, lobate, bilobated, labyrinthine, trifoliolate, pinnatifid, lobed, thickening, sophisticated, Byzantine, bilobed, trifoliate, radiate

  5. bare(a), mere(a), simple(a)adjective

    apart from anything else; without additions or modifications

    "only the bare facts"; "shocked by the mere idea"; "the simple passage of time was enough"; "the simple truth"

    pinnatifid, paripinnate, trifoliolate, trifoliated, precocious, odd-pinnate, even-pinnate, thickening, bilobed, decomposable, imparipinnate, tripinnated, pinnate, complex, tripinnatifid, interlinking, labyrinthian, knotty, difficult, interlacing, tripinnate, binate, compound, cleft, incised, interwoven, bipinnate, palm-shaped, fancy, bipartite, pinnatisect, composite, hard, conjugate, trilobed, trifoliate, colonial, sophisticated, involved, radiate, intricate, Byzantine, analyzable, mazy, palmatifid, interlocking, dissected, convoluted, tangled, daedal, bilobated, bipinnatifid, abruptly-pinnate, trilobated, parted, multiplex, lobed, trilobate, palmate, three-lobed, labyrinthine, Gordian, lobate, complicated, multifactorial, pinnated, pedate, decompound, tortuous, ternate, quinquefoliate, bilobate

  6. childlike, wide-eyed, round-eyed, dewy-eyed, simpleadjective

    exhibiting childlike simplicity and credulity

    "childlike trust"; "dewy-eyed innocence"; "listened in round-eyed wonder"

    uncomplicated, mere(a), simple(a), unproblematic, unsubdivided, dewy-eyed, round-eyed, childly, bare(a), saucer-eyed, elementary, dim-witted, childlike, simple-minded, wide, wide-eyed

    analyzable, paripinnate, radiate, tortuous, bilobate, compound, multiplex, multifactorial, pinnate, palm-shaped, interlacing, trilobate, even-pinnate, tangled, quinquefoliate, trilobed, tripinnated, knotty, hard, trifoliated, trilobated, decompound, fancy, pinnatifid, three-lobed, sophisticated, conjugate, difficult, abruptly-pinnate, composite, bipartite, dissected, precocious, ternate, convoluted, palmate, thickening, bipinnate, interlinking, cleft, decomposable, complicated, pedate, interwoven, incised, trifoliolate, bilobated, Byzantine, bipinnatifid, binate, complex, lobate, Gordian, interlocking, pinnated, colonial, involved, mazy, labyrinthine, palmatifid, daedal, pinnatisect, lobed, tripinnate, parted, imparipinnate, bilobed, trifoliate, intricate, odd-pinnate, labyrinthian, tripinnatifid

  7. dim-witted, simple, simple-mindedadjective

    lacking mental capacity and subtlety

    wide-eyed, dewy-eyed, simple-minded, dim-witted, elementary, unproblematic, simple(a), childlike, round-eyed, mere(a), unsubdivided, bare(a), uncomplicated

    hard, daedal, intricate, radiate, pinnatifid, difficult, labyrinthian, incised, decomposable, Gordian, trifoliolate, quinquefoliate, even-pinnate, involved, pinnated, bipinnate, dissected, multifactorial, trilobate, paripinnate, decompound, thickening, compound, complicated, palmatifid, knotty, trifoliate, trifoliated, conjugate, interwoven, interlocking, tangled, lobate, tripinnate, tripinnatifid, odd-pinnate, ternate, labyrinthine, bipartite, pedate, tripinnated, trilobed, multiplex, three-lobed, interlinking, imparipinnate, bilobate, analyzable, composite, bilobated, cleft, binate, palm-shaped, trilobated, palmate, parted, Byzantine, interlacing, lobed, pinnatisect, colonial, sophisticated, pinnate, precocious, fancy, tortuous, bilobed, complex, convoluted, bipinnatifid, mazy, abruptly-pinnate

  8. simple, unsubdividedadjective

    (botany) of leaf shapes; of leaves having no divisions or subdivisions

    wide-eyed, dewy-eyed, simple-minded, dim-witted, elementary, unproblematic, simple(a), childlike, round-eyed, mere(a), unsubdivided, bare(a), uncomplicated

    interlinking, palmate, binate, trifoliolate, interwoven, complex, compound, daedal, palm-shaped, tortuous, abruptly-pinnate, difficult, interlocking, pinnate, complicated, intricate, colonial, Gordian, multiplex, pinnatisect, composite, lobate, involved, lobed, multifactorial, convoluted, trifoliate, parted, decomposable, bipinnate, radiate, bilobate, incised, odd-pinnate, pedate, interlacing, trifoliated, fancy, analyzable, conjugate, labyrinthine, tripinnatifid, paripinnate, bilobated, knotty, bipinnatifid, dissected, quinquefoliate, tripinnate, decompound, imparipinnate, thickening, three-lobed, sophisticated, bilobed, cleft, hard, trilobate, palmatifid, pinnatifid, trilobed, labyrinthian, mazy, precocious, trilobated, tripinnated, ternate, tangled, even-pinnate, Byzantine, bipartite, pinnated

  9. simpleadjective


    "a simple country schoolhouse"; "her black dress--simple to austerity"

    wide-eyed, dewy-eyed, simple-minded, dim-witted, elementary, unproblematic, simple(a), childlike, round-eyed, mere(a), unsubdivided, bare(a), uncomplicated

    parted, ternate, analyzable, hard, bipinnate, interwoven, bilobate, radiate, bipinnatifid, lobed, fancy, Byzantine, labyrinthine, trilobed, precocious, compound, incised, colonial, interlacing, dissected, complicated, pinnatifid, bilobated, tripinnated, decomposable, three-lobed, tripinnatifid, decompound, imparipinnate, palm-shaped, tangled, conjugate, sophisticated, difficult, pinnated, pinnatisect, bilobed, even-pinnate, palmate, cleft, pinnate, labyrinthian, trifoliated, trifoliate, multifactorial, trilobated, composite, odd-pinnate, complex, Gordian, multiplex, intricate, pedate, lobate, knotty, quinquefoliate, bipartite, involved, thickening, interlocking, tripinnate, trilobate, abruptly-pinnate, daedal, interlinking, binate, palmatifid, tortuous, trifoliolate, paripinnate, convoluted, mazy

Matched Categories

Editors Contribution0.0 / 0 votes

  1. map-key

    on a map key there is simple pictures so it is easy to read

    explanatory table of symbols used on a map or chart; also called map legend

    Submitted by rinat on June 9, 2017  

Dictionary of English Synonymes0.0 / 0 votes

  1. simpleadjective

    single, uncombined, uncompounded, unmixed, elementary, bare, mere, not complex, nothing else but, not complicated

  2. simpleadjective

    plain, unadorned, unstudied, unvarnished, natural, chaste, neat

  3. simpleadjective

    artless, undesigning, sincere, unaffected, unconstrained, NAÏVE, frank, open, downright, inartificial, straightforward, true, simple-hearted, simple-minded

  4. simpleadjective

    silly, foolish, weak, not wise, not sagacious

  5. simplenoun

    medicinal plant

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated Words0.0 / 0 votes

  1. simpleadjective

    incomplex, uncompounded, single, elementary, uncombined, mere, plain, unaffected, artless, naïve, unsophisticated, credulous, gullible, silly, oafish

    complex, complicated, intricate, artful, crafty, elaborate

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How to use simple in a sentence?

  1. J. Donald Wlters:

    Happiness is an attitude of mind, born of the simple determination to be happy under all outward circumstances.

  2. Natalie Sisson Globetrotting Natalie Sisson:

    It made me appreciate that when people strive for more money and more possessions, working harder and harder to supposedly find happiness, that they're in fact missing the point completely, life is about the simple things—about enjoying nature, being present, and living fully each day.

  3. Rashida Tlaib:

    You cannot claim to support human rights and peace on Earth and continue to back the extremist Netanyahu regime, it’s that simple.

  4. Stephen Amell:

    What happened was -- and it's very, very simple -- I had too many drinks, and I had too many drinks in a public place. And I got on a plane.

  5. Ferdinand Marcos:

    There are many positive things to talk about from during that time, so that's what we do. It's fairly simple.

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    A Impalpable
    B Percebtible
    C Tangible
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