What is another word for white?

Synonyms for white
ʰwaɪt, waɪtwhite

This thesaurus page includes all potential synonyms, words with the same meaning and similar terms for the word white.

Wiktionary1.0 / 1 vote

  1. whiteadjective

    To make white; to whiten; to bleach.


  2. whiteadjective

    White wine.



  3. whiteadjective

    Lacking coloration from ultraviolet light.

    fair, pale


  4. whiteadjective


Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms0.0 / 0 votes

  1. white

    colorless, pure, snowy, unblemished, unspotted, stainless, innocent, clear

    black, impure

Princeton's WordNet4.0 / 1 vote

  1. White, White person, Caucasiannoun

    a member of the Caucasoid race

    whiteness, ovalbumin, albumen, flannel, tweed, gabardine, egg white

    blackness, black, inkiness, bare, dark-skinned, non-white, full, undiluted, colorful, colourful, impure, coloured, integrated, African-American, negroid, Afro-American, negro, dark, cold, colored, evil

  2. white, whitenessnoun

    the quality or state of the achromatic color of greatest lightness (bearing the least resemblance to black)

    egg white, purity, tweed, flannel, whiteness, sinlessness, gabardine, albumen, ovalbumin, innocence, pureness

    black, inkiness, blackness, undiluted, Afro-American, colored, dark, bare, negroid, colourful, evil, full, dark-skinned, colorful, negro, cold, impure, non-white, coloured, integrated, African-American

  3. White, Edward White, Edward D. White, Edward Douglas White Jr.noun

    United States jurist appointed chief justice of the United States Supreme Court in 1910 by President Taft; noted for his work on antitrust legislation (1845-1921)

    whiteness, ovalbumin, albumen, flannel, tweed, gabardine, egg white

    inkiness, blackness, black, undiluted, integrated, negroid, coloured, colorful, colourful, negro, bare, cold, dark, evil, colored, impure, full, dark-skinned, non-white, Afro-American, African-American

  4. White, Patrick White, Patrick Victor Martindale Whitenoun

    Australian writer (1912-1990)

    whiteness, ovalbumin, albumen, flannel, tweed, gabardine, egg white

    blackness, black, inkiness, dark, evil, colored, impure, colorful, colourful, dark-skinned, negro, coloured, full, African-American, integrated, Afro-American, bare, negroid, non-white, cold, undiluted

  5. White, T. H. White, Theodore Harold Whitenoun

    United States political journalist (1915-1986)

    whiteness, ovalbumin, albumen, flannel, tweed, gabardine, egg white

    black, inkiness, blackness, negro, integrated, colourful, bare, negroid, coloured, cold, evil, impure, full, colorful, dark-skinned, non-white, undiluted, dark, African-American, colored, Afro-American

  6. White, Stanford Whitenoun

    United States architect (1853-1906)

    whiteness, ovalbumin, albumen, flannel, tweed, gabardine, egg white

    blackness, black, inkiness, full, integrated, coloured, African-American, bare, colourful, cold, dark-skinned, undiluted, impure, colored, Afro-American, negro, non-white, negroid, colorful, evil, dark

  7. White, E. B. White, Elwyn Brooks Whitenoun

    United States writer noted for his humorous essays (1899-1985)

    whiteness, ovalbumin, albumen, flannel, tweed, gabardine, egg white

    black, blackness, inkiness, bare, undiluted, negroid, full, cold, integrated, colorful, dark, colored, dark-skinned, colourful, African-American, evil, coloured, negro, Afro-American, impure, non-white

  8. White, Andrew D. White, Andrew Dickson Whitenoun

    United States educator who in 1865 (with Ezra Cornell) founded Cornell University and served as its first president (1832-1918)

    whiteness, ovalbumin, albumen, flannel, tweed, gabardine, egg white

    black, inkiness, blackness, colorful, cold, negroid, integrated, full, colourful, coloured, non-white, impure, dark, colored, dark-skinned, African-American, Afro-American, undiluted, evil, negro, bare

  9. White, White Rivernoun

    a tributary of the Mississippi River that flows southeastward through northern Arkansas and southern Missouri

    whiteness, ovalbumin, albumen, flannel, tweed, gabardine, egg white

    blackness, black, inkiness, negro, dark-skinned, colorful, negroid, non-white, cold, undiluted, colored, integrated, evil, bare, African-American, impure, Afro-American, dark, colourful, coloured, full

  10. egg white, white, albumen, ovalbuminnoun

    the white part of an egg; the nutritive and protective gelatinous substance surrounding the yolk consisting mainly of albumin dissolved in water

    "she separated the whites from the yolks of several eggs"

    egg white, tweed, flannel, whiteness, gabardine, albumen, albumin, ovalbumin

    black, blackness, inkiness, colourful, dark, bare, cold, colored, negro, evil, colorful, negroid, impure, African-American, full, coloured, non-white, Afro-American, integrated, undiluted, dark-skinned

  11. whitenoun

    (board games) the lighter pieces

    whiteness, ovalbumin, albumen, flannel, tweed, gabardine, egg white

    black, blackness, inkiness, negroid, Afro-American, coloured, dark, bare, dark-skinned, cold, African-American, colourful, colorful, colored, full, integrated, evil, negro, impure, undiluted, non-white

  12. flannel, gabardine, tweed, whiteadjective

    (usually in the plural) trousers made of flannel or gabardine or tweed or white cloth

    duster, egg white, washrag, smock, tweed, flannel, face cloth, albumen, gabardine, gaberdine, ovalbumin, washcloth, dust coat, whiteness

    black, inkiness, blackness, full, dark-skinned, evil, coloured, impure, colourful, non-white, Afro-American, colored, dark, integrated, negroid, cold, colorful, negro, bare, undiluted, African-American

  13. whiteadjective

    being of the achromatic color of maximum lightness; having little or no hue owing to reflection of almost all incident light

    "as white as fresh snow"; "a bride's white dress"

    white-hot, blanched, snowy, whitened, clean, ashen, lily-white, livid, bloodless, blank

    inkiness, black, blackness, colourful, African-American, integrated, non-white, undiluted, colorful, cold, impure, Afro-American, colored, dark, negro, evil, full, coloured, dark-skinned, negroid, bare

  14. whiteadjective

    of or belonging to a racial group having light skin coloration

    "voting patterns within the white population"

    white-hot, blanched, snowy, whitened, clean, ashen, lily-white, livid, bloodless, blank

    blackness, black, inkiness, evil, negro, coloured, impure, non-white, full, undiluted, bare, integrated, negroid, colourful, dark, Afro-American, colorful, colored, dark-skinned, African-American, cold

  15. whiteadjective

    free from moral blemish or impurity; unsullied

    "in shining white armor"

    white-hot, blanched, snowy, whitened, clean, ashen, lily-white, livid, bloodless, blank

    black, blackness, inkiness, colourful, colorful, dark, full, non-white, coloured, negroid, negro, dark-skinned, undiluted, African-American, Afro-American, bare, impure, colored, integrated, evil, cold

  16. white, snowyadjective

    marked by the presence of snow

    "a white Christmas"; "the white hills of a northern winter"

    white-hot, blanched, snowy, whitened, clean, ashen, lily-white, livid, snow-white, snow-clad, snow-covered, bloodless, blank

    blackness, black, inkiness, undiluted, dark, colourful, Afro-American, colorful, negroid, colored, bare, negro, cold, evil, impure, coloured, dark-skinned, integrated, non-white, African-American, full

  17. white, lily-whiteadjective

    restricted to whites only

    "under segregation there were even white restrooms and white drinking fountains"; "a lily-white movement which would expel Negroes from the organization"

    white-hot, blanched, snowy, whitened, clean, ashen, lily-white, livid, bloodless, blank

    inkiness, black, blackness, negroid, undiluted, colored, colourful, colorful, full, dark, cold, coloured, evil, impure, integrated, dark-skinned, Afro-American, negro, African-American, bare, non-white

  18. white, white-hotadjective

    glowing white with heat

    "white flames"; "a white-hot center of the fire"

    white-hot, blanched, snowy, whitened, clean, ashen, lily-white, livid, bloodless, blank

    inkiness, black, blackness, colourful, colored, colorful, dark, dark-skinned, coloured, undiluted, negroid, Afro-American, impure, integrated, cold, African-American, non-white, negro, bare, evil, full

  19. whiteadjective

    benevolent; without malicious intent

    "that's white of you"

    white-hot, blanched, snowy, whitened, clean, ashen, lily-white, livid, bloodless, blank

    black, blackness, inkiness, full, colorful, undiluted, colored, negroid, non-white, coloured, African-American, dark-skinned, cold, negro, evil, bare, dark, integrated, colourful, impure, Afro-American

  20. blank, clean, whiteadjective

    (of a surface) not written or printed on

    "blank pages"; "fill in the blank spaces"; "a clean page"; "wide white margins"

    lily-white, uncontaminating, clean-living, sporting, blank, vacuous, white-hot, unobjectionable, fresh, bloodless, sporty, clear, snowy, neat, unclouded, livid, ashen, clean, light, fair, blanched, whitened, uninfected, sportsmanlike

    black, blackness, inkiness, colorful, dark-skinned, evil, cold, African-American, dark, integrated, undiluted, colored, non-white, colourful, Afro-American, coloured, negro, bare, impure, negroid, full

  21. whiteadjective

    (of coffee) having cream or milk added

    white-hot, blanched, snowy, whitened, clean, ashen, lily-white, livid, bloodless, blank

    black, blackness, inkiness, impure, Afro-American, negro, negroid, colourful, evil, non-white, coloured, dark, dark-skinned, colorful, colored, full, bare, undiluted, integrated, cold, African-American

  22. white, whitenedadjective

    (of hair) having lost its color

    "the white hairs of old age"

    white-hot, blanched, snowy, whitened, clean, ashen, lily-white, livid, bloodless, blank

    inkiness, black, blackness, integrated, undiluted, Afro-American, coloured, bare, dark-skinned, colourful, dark, non-white, full, negro, impure, colored, cold, colorful, evil, African-American, negroid

  23. ashen, blanched, bloodless, livid, whiteadjective

    anemic looking from illness or emotion

    "a face turned ashen"; "the invalid's blanched cheeks"; "tried to speak with bloodless lips"; "a face livid with shock"; "lips...livid with the hue of death"- Mary W. Shelley; "lips white with terror"; "a face white with rage"

    etiolate, exsanguinous, white-hot, blanched, snowy, lily-white, clean, ashen, etiolated, bloodless, livid, exsanguine, blank, whitened, black-and-blue

    black, blackness, inkiness, colourful, Afro-American, negro, non-white, coloured, bare, dark, impure, cold, colored, integrated, negroid, colorful, evil, undiluted, African-American, dark-skinned, full

  24. whiteverb

    of summer nights in northern latitudes where the sun barely sets

    "white nights"

    white-hot, blanched, snowy, whitened, clean, ashen, lily-white, livid, bloodless, blank

    inkiness, blackness, black, undiluted, Afro-American, colored, African-American, dark, cold, impure, full, colorful, bare, dark-skinned, colourful, coloured, negro, negroid, evil, non-white, integrated

  25. whiten, whiteverb

    turn white

    "This detergent will whiten your laundry"


    black, inkiness, blackness, integrated, dark, full, negroid, colorful, cold, non-white, dark-skinned, colored, negro, bare, colourful, evil, African-American, coloured, Afro-American, undiluted, impure

Dictionary of English Synonymes0.0 / 0 votes

  1. whiteadjective

    of a white color, snowy, frosty, hoary, hoar

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated Words0.0 / 0 votes

  1. whiteadjective

    blanched, bleached, etiolate, pale, hoary

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How to use white in a sentence?

  1. Henry Seely:

    Indians are plenty smart. We catch small wood. Build small fire. Stand close and stay warm all over. White men not so smart. They catch big wood. Build big fire. Stand far away, burn face and freeze ass.

  2. Muhidin Libah:

    People were thinking, to be a police officer, you have to be born in the U.S. ... you have to be white, they never thought they could be a police officer.

  3. David Pilgrim:

    Instead of hiring black people, we keep hiring white people committed to diversity and inclusion.

  4. Terry McAuliffe:

    I think we would all like Donald Trump to run again, i got to say that as a politician who wants to see that no Republican is elected to the White House in 2024, from that perspective, his candidacy is probably a good thing.

  5. Joey Gibson:

    The rhetoric from Nancy Pelosi, Mayor Lee, the media, all these people are saying that we’re white supremacists and it’s bringing in tons of extremists.

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