What is another word for clear?

Synonyms for clear

This thesaurus page includes all potential synonyms, words with the same meaning and similar terms for the word clear.

Wiktionary0.0 / 0 votes

  1. clearadjective


  2. clearadjective

    to fell all trees of a forest.


  3. clearverb


  4. clearverb


  5. clearverb

    All the way; entirely.

    I threw it clear across the river to the other side.


  6. clearadjective

    Not near something or touching it.

    Stand clear of the rails, a train is coming.


  7. clearadjective

    free (or separate) from others

    The court cleared the man of murder.


  8. clearverb

    To pass without interference; to miss.

    clear weather, a clear day


  9. clearverb

    Free of ambiguity or doubt.

    After a heavy rain, the sky cleared nicely for the evening.


  10. clearadjective

    Free of guilt, or suspicion.

    a clear conscience


  11. clearadjective

    To earn a profit of; to net.

    He's been clearing seven thousand a week.


  12. clearadjective

    To obtain permission to use (a sample of copyrighted audio) in another track.


  13. clearadjective

    To defend by hitting (or kicking, throwing, heading etc.) the ball (or puck) from the defending goal.


English Synonyms and Antonyms0.0 / 0 votes

  1. clear

    Clear (Latin clarus, bright, brilliant) primarily refers to that which shines, and impresses the mind through the eye with a sense of luster or splendor. A substance is said to be clear that offers no impediment to vision — is not dim, dark, or obscure. Transparent refers to the medium through which a substance is seen, clear to the substance itself, without reference to anything to be seen through it; we speak of a stream as clear when we think of the water itself; we speak of it as transparent with reference to the ease with which we see the pebbles at the bottom. Clear is also said of that which comes to the senses without dimness, dulness, obstruction, or obscurity, so that there is no uncertainty as to its exact form, character, or meaning, with something of the brightness or brilliancy implied in the primary meaning of the word clear; as, the outlines of the ship were clear against the sky; a clear view; a clear note; "clear as a bell;" a clear, frosty air; a clear sky; a clear statement; hence, the word is used for that which is free from any kind of obstruction; as, a clear field. Lucid and pellucid refer to a shining clearness, as of crystal. A transparent body allows the forms and colors of objects beyond to be seen through it; a translucent body allows light to pass through, but may not permit forms and colors to be distinguished; plate glass is transparent, ground glass is translucent. Limpid refers to a liquid clearness, or that which suggests it; as, limpid streams. That which is distinct is well defined, especially in outline, each part or object standing or seeming apart from any other, not confused, indefinite, or blurred; distinct enunciation enables the hearer to catch every word or vocal sound without perplexity or confusion; a distinct statement is free from indefiniteness or ambiguity; a distinct apprehension of a thought leaves the mind in no doubt or uncertainty regarding it. That is plain, in the sense here considered, which is, as it were, level to the thought, so that one goes straight on without difficulty or hindrance; as, plain language; a plain statement; a clear explanation. Perspicuous is often equivalent to plain, but plain never wholly loses the meaning of unadorned, so that we can say the style is perspicuous tho highly ornate, when we could not call it at once ornate and plain. Compare EVIDENT.

    apparent, diaphanous, distinct, evident, explicit, intelligible, limpid, lucid, manifest, obvious, pellucid, perspicuous, plain, straightforward, translucent, transparent, unadorned, unambiguous, unequivocal, unmistakable

    ambiguous, cloudy, dim, dubious, foggy, indistinct, mysterious, obscure, opaque, turbid, unintelligible, vague

    Clear to the mind; clear in argument; clear of or from annoyances.

Princeton's WordNet5.0 / 1 vote

  1. clearnoun

    the state of being free of suspicion

    "investigation showed that he was in the clear"


    unfree, confusing, cloudy, milklike, semiopaque, muddy, nebular, brumous, qualified, clouded, gross, undiscerning, perplexing, obstructed, opaque, vague, lowering, murky, dull, encumbered, overcast, hazy, fogged, guilty, threatening, foggy, imperfect, troubled, obscure, cloudlike, fogbound, illegible, puzzling, solid, light-tight, mirky, indistinct, vaporous, whitish, smoggy, sullen, cloud-covered, confused, unclear, heavy, leaden, sunless, miasmic, lightproof, impure, milky, frosted, miasmal, glaucous, misty, vapourous, blurred, turbid, bounce

  2. open, clearadjective

    a clear or unobstructed space or expanse of land or water

    "finally broke out of the forest into the open"

    open air, out-of-doors, open, surface, outdoors

    nebular, miasmal, heavy, dull, vapourous, impure, qualified, perplexing, smoggy, misty, milky, turbid, hazy, obstructed, unclear, imperfect, vaporous, fogbound, clouded, troubled, milklike, sunless, opaque, lowering, leaden, confused, cloudy, threatening, fogged, blurred, brumous, cloudlike, light-tight, foggy, semiopaque, frosted, gross, muddy, cloud-covered, undiscerning, mirky, lightproof, vague, obscure, miasmic, indistinct, puzzling, illegible, whitish, sullen, glaucous, murky, encumbered, overcast, guilty, solid, confusing, unfree, bounce

  3. clearadjective

    readily apparent to the mind

    "a clear and present danger"; "a clear explanation"; "a clear case of murder"; "a clear indication that she was angry"; "gave us a clear idea of human nature"

    decipherable, exculpated, clear(p), vindicated, clean, open, readable, unclouded, unmortgaged, percipient, clear-cut, clean-cut, exonerated, light, absolved, cleared, well-defined

    nebular, blurred, qualified, fogged, obscure, miasmic, semiopaque, encumbered, muddy, illegible, vague, frosted, misty, hazy, leaden, unclear, smoggy, vaporous, threatening, confusing, cloudy, sullen, troubled, turbid, clouded, brumous, lowering, milklike, heavy, cloudlike, impure, foggy, opaque, light-tight, dull, perplexing, puzzling, solid, whitish, fogbound, guilty, overcast, imperfect, mirky, undiscerning, vapourous, confused, glaucous, cloud-covered, murky, obstructed, lightproof, indistinct, unfree, milky, sunless, gross, miasmal, bounce

  4. clearadjective

    free from confusion or doubt

    "a complex problem requiring a clear head"; "not clear about what is expected of us"

    decipherable, exculpated, clear(p), vindicated, clean, open, readable, unclouded, unmortgaged, percipient, clear-cut, clean-cut, exonerated, light, absolved, cleared, well-defined

    confused, vaporous, cloudlike, mirky, unclear, milky, heavy, fogbound, leaden, whitish, puzzling, guilty, murky, gross, misty, frosted, muddy, obscure, threatening, cloudy, clouded, blurred, lightproof, obstructed, illegible, undiscerning, foggy, semiopaque, encumbered, unfree, imperfect, nebular, dull, overcast, miasmic, brumous, vapourous, indistinct, sunless, turbid, impure, confusing, hazy, troubled, milklike, miasmal, lowering, qualified, glaucous, light-tight, fogged, smoggy, opaque, solid, cloud-covered, sullen, perplexing, vague, bounce

  5. clear, openadjective

    affording free passage or view

    "a clear view"; "a clear path to victory"; "open waters"; "the open countryside"

    undefended, undetermined, well-defined, receptive, unresolved, assailable, undefendable, exculpated, vindicated, exposed, clean-cut, heart-to-heart, exonerated, clear(p), subject, open(a), opened, unclouded, percipient, clean, readable, open, absolved, undecided, unfastened, overt, candid, clear-cut, unmortgaged, capable, decipherable, cleared, light, loose

    illegible, threatening, obstructed, imperfect, nebular, guilty, foggy, milky, vague, cloudlike, milklike, leaden, heavy, puzzling, encumbered, blurred, vapourous, light-tight, indistinct, confused, solid, misty, mirky, clouded, muddy, perplexing, opaque, undiscerning, hazy, sullen, overcast, dull, frosted, whitish, fogbound, qualified, glaucous, fogged, lightproof, turbid, semiopaque, unfree, cloudy, miasmal, smoggy, lowering, vaporous, unclear, brumous, cloud-covered, sunless, gross, impure, confusing, miasmic, troubled, obscure, murky, bounce

  6. clearadjective

    allowing light to pass through

    "clear water"; "clear plastic bags"; "clear glass"; "the air is clear and clean"

    decipherable, exculpated, clear(p), vindicated, clean, open, readable, unclouded, unmortgaged, percipient, clear-cut, clean-cut, exonerated, light, absolved, cleared, well-defined

    impure, nebular, undiscerning, obstructed, opaque, milky, obscure, puzzling, lightproof, confusing, vapourous, heavy, clouded, murky, unfree, solid, sullen, mirky, perplexing, blurred, qualified, encumbered, light-tight, vague, vaporous, miasmal, confused, sunless, illegible, cloud-covered, cloudy, turbid, imperfect, lowering, indistinct, threatening, semiopaque, hazy, misty, leaden, unclear, fogbound, milklike, brumous, glaucous, overcast, whitish, cloudlike, gross, fogged, foggy, miasmic, muddy, frosted, smoggy, dull, guilty, troubled, bounce

  7. clear(p)adjective

    free from contact or proximity or connection

    "we were clear of the danger"; "the ship was clear of the reef"

    vague, vaporous, sunless, fogged, clouded, dull, foggy, milky, imperfect, troubled, whitish, puzzling, undiscerning, confusing, unclear, unfree, milklike, lightproof, indistinct, murky, misty, sullen, threatening, hazy, solid, cloudlike, vapourous, miasmal, encumbered, gross, illegible, cloud-covered, mirky, smoggy, light-tight, brumous, frosted, opaque, impure, obstructed, lowering, overcast, turbid, obscure, nebular, leaden, glaucous, semiopaque, miasmic, heavy, cloudy, guilty, confused, muddy, perplexing, qualified, fogbound, blurred, bounce

  8. clearadjective

    characterized by freedom from troubling thoughts (especially guilt)

    "a clear conscience"; "regarded her questioner with clear untroubled eyes"

    decipherable, exculpated, clear(p), vindicated, clean, open, readable, unclouded, unmortgaged, percipient, clear-cut, clean-cut, exonerated, light, absolved, cleared, well-defined

    overcast, confusing, miasmal, troubled, dull, vague, threatening, impure, undiscerning, leaden, vaporous, opaque, unclear, light-tight, muddy, guilty, blurred, gross, glaucous, fogbound, milky, imperfect, brumous, semiopaque, indistinct, lightproof, frosted, mirky, turbid, fogged, heavy, solid, whitish, milklike, vapourous, murky, hazy, cloudlike, nebular, sunless, obscure, smoggy, illegible, foggy, clouded, perplexing, unfree, confused, qualified, encumbered, cloud-covered, cloudy, sullen, puzzling, lowering, miasmic, obstructed, misty, bounce

  9. clean, clear, light, uncloudedadjective

    (of sound or color) free from anything that dulls or dims

    "efforts to obtain a clean bass in orchestral recordings"; "clear laughter like a waterfall"; "clear reds and blues"; "a light lilting voice like a silver bell"

    light-headed, clear(p), well-defined, wanton, lightsome, swooning, uninfected, lightheaded, neat, cloudless, idle, sporting, clean-cut, light-colored, unaccented, exonerated, weak, low-cal, clean-living, promiscuous, sportsmanlike, light(a), percipient, abstemious, faint, unclouded, vindicated, clean, readable, open, absolved, lite, wakeful, sporty, fresh, short, unobjectionable, tripping, fair, clear-cut, unmortgaged, scant(p), decipherable, blank, white, cleared, sluttish, light, exculpated, calorie-free, uncontaminating, easy, loose

    unclear, imperfect, cloud-covered, foggy, sunless, misty, blurred, obstructed, mirky, encumbered, gross, sullen, smoggy, overcast, confusing, cloudy, milky, lowering, hazy, undiscerning, unfree, turbid, threatening, solid, semiopaque, miasmic, heavy, leaden, cloudlike, qualified, miasmal, light-tight, opaque, glaucous, illegible, indistinct, perplexing, lightproof, whitish, impure, confused, obscure, vaporous, guilty, frosted, fogbound, puzzling, murky, vague, vapourous, clouded, brumous, nebular, fogged, troubled, dull, muddy, milklike, bounce

  10. clear, unmortgagedadjective

    (especially of a title) free from any encumbrance or limitation that presents a question of fact or law

    "I have clear title to this property"

    decipherable, exculpated, clear(p), vindicated, clean, open, readable, unclouded, unmortgaged, percipient, clear-cut, clean-cut, exonerated, light, absolved, cleared, well-defined

    undiscerning, gross, vapourous, smoggy, semiopaque, frosted, miasmal, glaucous, sunless, miasmic, cloudy, overcast, unfree, muddy, misty, cloud-covered, lightproof, cloudlike, impure, vague, perplexing, illegible, milklike, blurred, threatening, troubled, sullen, confusing, indistinct, puzzling, fogged, hazy, obstructed, brumous, vaporous, dull, leaden, opaque, guilty, murky, milky, mirky, lowering, solid, fogbound, turbid, qualified, clouded, confused, imperfect, foggy, heavy, light-tight, encumbered, unclear, nebular, obscure, whitish, bounce

  11. clear, clean-cut, clear-cutadjective

    clear and distinct to the senses; easily perceptible

    "as clear as a whistle"; "clear footprints in the snow"; "the letter brought back a clear image of his grandfather"; "a spire clean-cut against the sky"; "a clear-cut pattern"

    decipherable, exculpated, clear(p), vindicated, trenchant, distinct, clean, open, readable, unclouded, unmortgaged, percipient, clear-cut, clean-cut, exonerated, light, absolved, trim, trig, cleared, well-defined

    illegible, gross, fogbound, imperfect, confused, opaque, vapourous, glaucous, sunless, misty, blurred, confusing, sullen, cloudlike, frosted, guilty, qualified, threatening, troubled, foggy, vaporous, turbid, nebular, whitish, lightproof, hazy, cloud-covered, clouded, heavy, murky, miasmal, lowering, indistinct, cloudy, dull, puzzling, solid, undiscerning, impure, overcast, brumous, smoggy, obstructed, milklike, mirky, light-tight, encumbered, milky, obscure, muddy, semiopaque, vague, unfree, unclear, leaden, miasmic, fogged, perplexing, bounce

  12. well-defined, clearadjective

    accurately stated or described

    "a set of well-defined values"

    decipherable, exculpated, clear(p), clean, open, readable, unclouded, unmortgaged, chiseled, percipient, clear-cut, clean-cut, exonerated, light, absolved, vindicated, cleared, well-defined

    heavy, cloudy, lowering, indistinct, fogged, obstructed, blurred, gross, confused, undiscerning, impure, perplexing, frosted, troubled, murky, vaporous, hazy, foggy, encumbered, obscure, qualified, vapourous, semiopaque, mirky, misty, brumous, nebular, dull, miasmic, vague, imperfect, turbid, muddy, smoggy, solid, cloudlike, light-tight, opaque, threatening, lightproof, sullen, puzzling, unclear, cloud-covered, overcast, milky, sunless, leaden, guilty, confusing, clouded, fogbound, miasmal, whitish, glaucous, milklike, illegible, unfree, bounce

  13. clearadjective

    free from clouds or mist or haze

    "on a clear day"

    decipherable, exculpated, clear(p), vindicated, clean, open, readable, unclouded, unmortgaged, percipient, clear-cut, clean-cut, exonerated, light, absolved, cleared, well-defined

    leaden, milklike, lightproof, lowering, confused, threatening, cloudy, imperfect, confusing, frosted, troubled, miasmic, gross, blurred, hazy, whitish, semiopaque, impure, vaporous, encumbered, cloud-covered, sunless, solid, foggy, brumous, guilty, perplexing, opaque, clouded, misty, unclear, dull, heavy, muddy, obstructed, miasmal, fogged, overcast, unfree, vapourous, fogbound, sullen, qualified, undiscerning, indistinct, nebular, murky, cloudlike, turbid, light-tight, milky, glaucous, illegible, vague, puzzling, mirky, smoggy, obscure, bounce

  14. clean, clearadjective

    free of restrictions or qualifications

    "a clean bill of health"; "a clear winner"

    decipherable, uncontaminating, unmortgaged, clean-living, sporting, blank, exculpated, unobjectionable, fresh, clean-cut, exonerated, sporty, open, neat, white, unclouded, clear(p), percipient, clear-cut, well-defined, clean, readable, light, fair, absolved, vindicated, cleared, uninfected, sportsmanlike

    overcast, sunless, cloudy, cloudlike, puzzling, miasmic, opaque, obscure, milky, troubled, vague, lightproof, muddy, encumbered, illegible, leaden, indistinct, brumous, misty, clouded, cloud-covered, hazy, confused, smoggy, mirky, perplexing, turbid, vaporous, blurred, impure, fogbound, heavy, nebular, guilty, frosted, qualified, light-tight, murky, threatening, foggy, semiopaque, imperfect, lowering, solid, vapourous, glaucous, sullen, confusing, whitish, fogged, miasmal, dull, gross, milklike, undiscerning, obstructed, unclear, unfree, bounce

  15. clearadjective

    free from flaw or blemish or impurity

    "a clear perfect diamond"; "the clear complexion of a healthy young woman"

    decipherable, exculpated, clear(p), vindicated, clean, open, readable, unclouded, unmortgaged, percipient, clear-cut, clean-cut, exonerated, light, absolved, cleared, well-defined

    cloudy, miasmic, milklike, sullen, muddy, obstructed, unclear, blurred, sunless, dull, fogged, indistinct, obscure, confused, foggy, troubled, leaden, qualified, heavy, murky, cloudlike, imperfect, unfree, turbid, gross, clouded, smoggy, impure, misty, lowering, brumous, whitish, light-tight, puzzling, mirky, lightproof, vaporous, semiopaque, encumbered, illegible, guilty, glaucous, perplexing, cloud-covered, confusing, vague, overcast, hazy, undiscerning, frosted, milky, nebular, fogbound, solid, vapourous, opaque, threatening, miasmal, bounce

  16. clearadjective

    clear of charges or deductions

    "a clear profit"

    decipherable, exculpated, clear(p), vindicated, clean, open, readable, unclouded, unmortgaged, percipient, clear-cut, clean-cut, exonerated, light, absolved, cleared, well-defined

    fogbound, vapourous, obstructed, cloud-covered, cloudlike, vaporous, brumous, overcast, semiopaque, impure, perplexing, foggy, imperfect, puzzling, hazy, miasmal, cloudy, confusing, glaucous, dull, milky, murky, troubled, frosted, nebular, gross, miasmic, light-tight, obscure, unfree, mirky, sunless, leaden, opaque, guilty, encumbered, qualified, solid, clouded, threatening, sullen, undiscerning, heavy, whitish, lowering, muddy, indistinct, vague, unclear, misty, illegible, smoggy, turbid, milklike, blurred, confused, lightproof, fogged, bounce

  17. clear, decipherable, readableadjective

    easily deciphered

    decipherable, exculpated, clear(p), vindicated, clean, open, readable, unclouded, unmortgaged, percipient, clear-cut, clean-cut, exonerated, light, absolved, cleared, well-defined

    encumbered, muddy, lightproof, imperfect, obstructed, impure, sunless, lowering, confused, hazy, vapourous, guilty, misty, cloud-covered, semiopaque, murky, cloudlike, illegible, puzzling, indistinct, threatening, gross, leaden, opaque, blurred, obscure, dull, mirky, foggy, fogbound, clouded, undiscerning, frosted, cloudy, milky, fogged, brumous, vague, milklike, light-tight, miasmic, overcast, nebular, heavy, confusing, glaucous, unfree, troubled, sullen, solid, smoggy, unclear, qualified, perplexing, miasmal, whitish, turbid, vaporous, bounce

  18. absolved, clear, cleared, exculpated, exonerated, vindicatedadjective

    freed from any question of guilt

    "is absolved from all blame"; "was now clear of the charge of cowardice"; "his official honor is vindicated"

    decipherable, exculpated, clear(p), vindicated, clean, open, readable, unclouded, unmortgaged, percipient, clear-cut, clean-cut, exonerated, light, absolved, cleared, well-defined

    solid, whitish, light-tight, imperfect, troubled, clouded, smoggy, hazy, blurred, indistinct, obscure, foggy, sunless, impure, cloudy, lowering, gross, frosted, turbid, sullen, obstructed, puzzling, muddy, nebular, lightproof, overcast, miasmal, dull, unclear, cloud-covered, heavy, vague, milklike, brumous, opaque, encumbered, misty, semiopaque, leaden, illegible, fogbound, mirky, vaporous, glaucous, vapourous, confused, perplexing, cloudlike, qualified, murky, confusing, guilty, unfree, milky, threatening, undiscerning, fogged, miasmic, bounce

  19. clear, percipientverb

    characterized by ease and quickness in perceiving

    "clear mind"; "a percipient author"

    decipherable, exculpated, clear(p), vindicated, clean, open, readable, unclouded, unmortgaged, percipient, clear-cut, clean-cut, exonerated, light, absolved, cleared, well-defined

    indistinct, threatening, clouded, solid, overcast, sullen, frosted, puzzling, unfree, miasmal, encumbered, gross, confusing, semiopaque, lightproof, perplexing, obscure, fogged, miasmic, lowering, imperfect, hazy, whitish, light-tight, undiscerning, leaden, cloudy, illegible, troubled, brumous, murky, vague, obstructed, vaporous, opaque, glaucous, cloudlike, fogbound, foggy, mirky, dull, unclear, milklike, sunless, turbid, nebular, smoggy, heavy, qualified, guilty, cloud-covered, milky, impure, vapourous, muddy, confused, blurred, misty, bounce

  20. unclutter, clearverb

    rid of obstructions

    "Clear your desk"

    discharge, earn, take in, elucidate, pull in, enlighten, sack, authorize, assoil, shed light on, crystalise, illuminate, light up, crystalize, make, crystallise, gain, realise, solve, exculpate, unclutter, pass, acquit, brighten, authorise, crystallize, clear up, bring in, exonerate, straighten out, sack up, top, sort out, realize, net

    fogbound, light-tight, undiscerning, indistinct, cloudy, troubled, guilty, illegible, clouded, nebular, obstructed, encumbered, unclear, leaden, turbid, overcast, vague, confusing, whitish, heavy, semiopaque, obscure, impure, fogged, opaque, sunless, lowering, smoggy, threatening, gross, puzzling, lightproof, sullen, vapourous, foggy, glaucous, miasmal, solid, cloud-covered, qualified, mirky, hazy, imperfect, dull, milklike, unfree, blurred, cloudlike, brumous, frosted, murky, milky, miasmic, confused, muddy, vaporous, misty, perplexing, bounce

  21. clearverb

    make a way or path by removing objects

    "Clear a path through the dense forest"

    discharge, earn, take in, elucidate, pull in, enlighten, sack, authorize, assoil, shed light on, crystalise, illuminate, light up, crystalize, make, crystallise, gain, realise, solve, exculpate, unclutter, pass, acquit, brighten, authorise, crystallize, clear up, bring in, exonerate, straighten out, sack up, top, sort out, realize, net

    cloudy, imperfect, smoggy, unclear, illegible, troubled, cloud-covered, solid, threatening, milklike, turbid, impure, brumous, undiscerning, perplexing, qualified, clouded, confused, fogged, puzzling, muddy, miasmic, lowering, milky, encumbered, obscure, lightproof, frosted, vaporous, vague, misty, guilty, cloudlike, indistinct, gross, blurred, overcast, glaucous, vapourous, unfree, nebular, opaque, fogbound, leaden, sunless, hazy, confusing, semiopaque, mirky, light-tight, sullen, murky, miasmal, dull, heavy, whitish, foggy, obstructed, bounce

  22. clear up, clear, light up, brightenverb

    become clear

    "The sky cleared after the storm"

    discharge, earn, take in, pull in, wrap up, sack, authorize, pass, make, shed light on, finish up, crystalise, illuminate, light up, acquit, crystalize, fire up, finish off, bring in, polish off, crystallise, illume, gain, mop up, clarify, realise, solve, exculpate, unclutter, elucidate, brighten, authorise, assoil, crystallize, clear up, enlighten, exonerate, straighten out, sack up, top, sort out, lighten, realize, lighten up, light, get through, illumine, net

    whitish, frosted, hazy, qualified, unclear, confused, threatening, foggy, turbid, overcast, nebular, dull, vaporous, cloudy, leaden, miasmal, encumbered, murky, impure, glaucous, milklike, obscure, heavy, milky, puzzling, fogbound, imperfect, sunless, vapourous, perplexing, miasmic, vague, clouded, opaque, lightproof, gross, cloud-covered, illegible, fogged, unfree, solid, smoggy, guilty, misty, sullen, muddy, cloudlike, semiopaque, undiscerning, blurred, obstructed, mirky, troubled, lowering, brumous, indistinct, confusing, light-tight, bounce

  23. authorize, authorise, pass, clearverb

    grant authorization or clearance for

    "Clear the manuscript for publication"; "The rock star never authorized this slanderous biography"

    run, perish, make, elapse, go past, make pass, lead, top, light up, put across, go by, draw, evanesce, assoil, solve, occur, die, unclutter, clear up, earn, turn over, go, spend, slide by, exculpate, fade, hand, sack up, legislate, happen, egest, empower, authorise, exceed, fleet, pass away, slip away, drop dead, overstep, transcend, gain, make it, return, crystallise, straighten out, authorize, discharge, realize, devolve, cash in one's chips, kick the bucket, give, fall out, hap, slip by, pull in, go on, sink, eliminate, croak, lapse, enlighten, pass off, net, acquit, give-up the ghost, blow over, take place, crystalise, expire, overhaul, sack, go through, reach, brighten, crystalize, illuminate, communicate, come about, choke, exonerate, pop off, go across, overtake, travel by, glide by, extend, elucidate, decease, take in, fall, pass, pass by, sort out, exit, conk, excrete, buy the farm, crystallize, pass along, bring in, snuff it, go along, surpass, guide, shed light on, realise, pass on

    lightproof, clouded, leaden, confusing, light-tight, lowering, nebular, gross, dull, brumous, miasmal, misty, cloudy, glaucous, milklike, sunless, illegible, vapourous, cloudlike, obstructed, solid, heavy, blurred, cloud-covered, smoggy, turbid, confused, guilty, troubled, vaporous, frosted, puzzling, foggy, undiscerning, sullen, opaque, hazy, impure, fogged, indistinct, overcast, muddy, vague, encumbered, obscure, threatening, semiopaque, unfree, miasmic, imperfect, qualified, fogbound, murky, whitish, perplexing, unclear, mirky, milky, bounce

  24. clearverb


    "clear the leaves from the lawn"; "Clear snow from the road"

    discharge, earn, take in, elucidate, pull in, enlighten, sack, authorize, assoil, shed light on, crystalise, illuminate, light up, crystalize, make, crystallise, gain, realise, solve, exculpate, unclutter, pass, acquit, brighten, authorise, crystallize, clear up, bring in, exonerate, straighten out, sack up, top, sort out, realize, net

    indistinct, light-tight, clouded, cloud-covered, miasmic, vague, smoggy, whitish, confused, semiopaque, sunless, fogged, hazy, misty, imperfect, vapourous, unfree, undiscerning, milky, murky, confusing, mirky, lightproof, impure, troubled, obscure, obstructed, turbid, nebular, leaden, illegible, miasmal, foggy, encumbered, puzzling, qualified, threatening, gross, milklike, overcast, cloudy, unclear, frosted, sullen, lowering, glaucous, guilty, muddy, brumous, opaque, perplexing, solid, blurred, vaporous, dull, heavy, fogbound, cloudlike, bounce

  25. pass, clearverb

    go unchallenged; be approved

    "The bill cleared the House"

    run, perish, make, elapse, go past, make pass, lead, top, light up, put across, go by, draw, evanesce, assoil, solve, occur, die, unclutter, clear up, earn, turn over, go, spend, slide by, exculpate, fade, hand, sack up, legislate, happen, egest, authorise, exceed, fleet, pass away, slip away, drop dead, overstep, transcend, gain, make it, authorize, crystallise, straighten out, discharge, realize, devolve, cash in one's chips, kick the bucket, give, fall out, hap, slip by, pull in, go on, sink, eliminate, croak, lapse, enlighten, pass off, net, acquit, give-up the ghost, return, blow over, take place, crystalise, expire, overhaul, sack, go through, reach, brighten, crystalize, illuminate, communicate, come about, choke, exonerate, pop off, go across, overtake, travel by, glide by, extend, elucidate, decease, take in, fall, pass, pass by, sort out, exit, conk, excrete, buy the farm, crystallize, pass along, bring in, snuff it, go along, surpass, guide, shed light on, realise, pass on

    puzzling, cloudy, cloud-covered, indistinct, fogbound, sullen, imperfect, overcast, guilty, light-tight, lightproof, clouded, frosted, lowering, glaucous, brumous, miasmic, unclear, cloudlike, obstructed, confusing, threatening, undiscerning, gross, semiopaque, foggy, whitish, blurred, obscure, sunless, hazy, heavy, fogged, murky, qualified, vague, misty, confused, opaque, dull, nebular, smoggy, miasmal, perplexing, muddy, impure, illegible, solid, unfree, encumbered, milky, troubled, leaden, mirky, turbid, milklike, vapourous, vaporous, bounce

  26. clearverb

    be debited and credited to the proper bank accounts

    "The check will clear within 2 business days"

    discharge, earn, take in, elucidate, pull in, enlighten, sack, authorize, assoil, shed light on, crystalise, illuminate, light up, crystalize, make, crystallise, gain, realise, solve, exculpate, unclutter, pass, acquit, brighten, authorise, crystallize, clear up, bring in, exonerate, straighten out, sack up, top, sort out, realize, net

    fogged, opaque, encumbered, milklike, cloudlike, guilty, cloudy, muddy, unclear, murky, obscure, mirky, glaucous, confused, qualified, leaden, sullen, sunless, unfree, overcast, cloud-covered, miasmic, fogbound, dull, solid, heavy, vague, troubled, miasmal, undiscerning, threatening, light-tight, confusing, nebular, gross, misty, turbid, clouded, perplexing, semiopaque, puzzling, brumous, impure, foggy, whitish, frosted, obstructed, blurred, vapourous, lightproof, lowering, illegible, hazy, milky, imperfect, indistinct, vaporous, smoggy, bounce

  27. clearverb

    go away or disappear

    "The fog cleared in the afternoon"

    discharge, earn, take in, elucidate, pull in, enlighten, sack, authorize, assoil, shed light on, crystalise, illuminate, light up, crystalize, make, crystallise, gain, realise, solve, exculpate, unclutter, pass, acquit, brighten, authorise, crystallize, clear up, bring in, exonerate, straighten out, sack up, top, sort out, realize, net

    cloud-covered, clouded, illegible, cloudy, foggy, indistinct, undiscerning, obstructed, sullen, sunless, unclear, turbid, milky, fogged, troubled, gross, encumbered, impure, vague, muddy, whitish, hazy, opaque, nebular, unfree, glaucous, light-tight, milklike, puzzling, heavy, vaporous, perplexing, frosted, miasmal, semiopaque, threatening, murky, qualified, miasmic, mirky, blurred, confusing, guilty, lowering, vapourous, overcast, confused, lightproof, imperfect, solid, brumous, misty, cloudlike, smoggy, fogbound, obscure, dull, leaden, bounce

  28. clear, topverb

    pass by, over, or under without making contact

    "the balloon cleared the tree tops"

    discharge, earn, take in, elucidate, transcend, pull in, enlighten, sack, authorize, assoil, top off, shed light on, lead, crystalise, illuminate, light up, crystalize, make, crystallise, gain, realise, solve, exculpate, unclutter, go past, top out, pass, overstep, exceed, acquit, brighten, authorise, crystallize, clear up, bring in, exonerate, straighten out, sack up, top, sort out, realize, crown, pinch, net

    miasmic, overcast, encumbered, lowering, blurred, qualified, nebular, guilty, misty, threatening, vague, foggy, imperfect, sunless, cloudy, solid, whitish, leaden, cloudlike, semiopaque, confusing, confused, milky, vaporous, clouded, vapourous, opaque, puzzling, illegible, gross, impure, glaucous, cloud-covered, indistinct, sullen, dull, obstructed, brumous, miasmal, lightproof, troubled, smoggy, fogbound, unclear, turbid, perplexing, obscure, heavy, muddy, frosted, milklike, hazy, mirky, fogged, unfree, murky, undiscerning, light-tight, bounce

  29. clear, clear up, shed light on, crystallize, crystallise, crystalize, crystalise, straighten out, sort out, enlighten, illuminate, elucidateverb

    make free from confusion or ambiguity; make clear

    "Could you clarify these remarks?"; "Clear up the question of who is at fault"

    discharge, earn, take in, classify, elucidate, illumine, unsnarl, pull in, wrap up, enlighten, sack, authorize, assoil, irradiate, shed light on, finish up, crystalise, see the light, illuminate, light up, light, crystalize, make, polish off, crystallise, sort, tidy, gain, illume, mop up, clarify, correct, realise, finish off, edify, solve, exculpate, assort, unclutter, class, put right, pass, neaten, square away, effloresce, clean up, discipline, acquit, brighten, reform, authorise, separate, crystallize, clear up, bring in, exonerate, straighten out, sack up, top, sort out, tidy up, realize, iron out, disentangle, get through, straighten, net

    lightproof, sullen, unfree, frosted, encumbered, clouded, smoggy, hazy, brumous, miasmic, unclear, heavy, fogbound, undiscerning, semiopaque, milklike, blurred, impure, nebular, leaden, gross, qualified, confusing, mirky, cloudlike, imperfect, obstructed, cloud-covered, lowering, sunless, milky, opaque, muddy, dull, cloudy, vapourous, vaporous, puzzling, light-tight, fogged, obscure, guilty, murky, threatening, vague, perplexing, miasmal, illegible, glaucous, foggy, indistinct, whitish, misty, overcast, turbid, solid, confused, troubled, bounce

  30. clearverb

    free from payment of customs duties, as of a shipment

    "Clear the ship and let it dock"

    discharge, earn, take in, elucidate, pull in, enlighten, sack, authorize, assoil, shed light on, crystalise, illuminate, light up, crystalize, make, crystallise, gain, realise, solve, exculpate, unclutter, pass, acquit, brighten, authorise, crystallize, clear up, bring in, exonerate, straighten out, sack up, top, sort out, realize, net

    leaden, cloudy, misty, impure, fogged, semiopaque, turbid, cloudlike, frosted, miasmal, solid, milklike, perplexing, muddy, obstructed, undiscerning, blurred, foggy, murky, sullen, vapourous, mirky, unfree, unclear, vague, dull, obscure, whitish, light-tight, brumous, threatening, sunless, vaporous, milky, smoggy, cloud-covered, heavy, qualified, imperfect, illegible, clouded, lightproof, overcast, lowering, fogbound, miasmic, confusing, nebular, encumbered, puzzling, opaque, troubled, hazy, guilty, glaucous, gross, confused, indistinct, bounce

  31. clearverb

    clear from impurities, blemishes, pollution, etc.

    "clear the water before it can be drunk"

    discharge, earn, take in, elucidate, pull in, enlighten, sack, authorize, assoil, shed light on, crystalise, illuminate, light up, crystalize, make, crystallise, gain, realise, solve, exculpate, unclutter, pass, acquit, brighten, authorise, crystallize, clear up, bring in, exonerate, straighten out, sack up, top, sort out, realize, net

    unfree, threatening, clouded, fogged, guilty, vapourous, murky, turbid, sullen, lightproof, misty, vague, smoggy, sunless, indistinct, solid, vaporous, qualified, cloudy, nebular, milky, whitish, perplexing, encumbered, heavy, fogbound, undiscerning, confusing, imperfect, foggy, gross, illegible, mirky, semiopaque, confused, opaque, unclear, cloud-covered, leaden, obstructed, muddy, hazy, miasmal, miasmic, glaucous, milklike, impure, blurred, troubled, lowering, dull, obscure, light-tight, overcast, puzzling, cloudlike, frosted, brumous, bounce

  32. net, clearverb

    yield as a net profit

    "This sale netted me $1 million"

    discharge, earn, take in, pull in, enlighten, sack, authorize, pass, web, assoil, exonerate, shed light on, illuminate, light up, acquit, crystalize, make, crystallise, gain, realise, solve, exculpate, unclutter, crystalise, elucidate, brighten, authorise, crystallize, clear up, bring in, nett, straighten out, sack up, top, sort out, realize, net

    obstructed, overcast, mirky, obscure, threatening, light-tight, milklike, unclear, milky, foggy, imperfect, semiopaque, cloudy, turbid, fogbound, cloudlike, dull, encumbered, undiscerning, opaque, miasmal, fogged, lowering, sunless, miasmic, brumous, clouded, impure, illegible, confused, confusing, troubled, solid, frosted, qualified, glaucous, hazy, smoggy, misty, sullen, vapourous, indistinct, cloud-covered, vaporous, heavy, muddy, vague, puzzling, leaden, gross, lightproof, unfree, nebular, perplexing, murky, guilty, whitish, blurred, bounce

  33. net, sack, sack up, clearverb

    make as a net profit

    "The company cleared $1 million"

    discharge, earn, net, elucidate, pull in, bring in, sack, give the axe, pass, web, assoil, can, plunder, shed light on, take in, give the sack, illuminate, light up, acquit, solve, make, fire, crystallise, realize, sack up, gain, give notice, displace, exculpate, unclutter, dismiss, crystalise, exonerate, crystalize, brighten, authorise, realise, crystallize, clear up, enlighten, nett, straighten out, force out, top, sort out, terminate, send away, authorize

    threatening, clouded, obstructed, lightproof, opaque, whitish, blurred, miasmic, cloudy, milklike, frosted, muddy, imperfect, qualified, puzzling, dull, solid, turbid, lowering, nebular, undiscerning, mirky, smoggy, murky, encumbered, leaden, gross, indistinct, miasmal, brumous, troubled, milky, guilty, unclear, vague, perplexing, cloudlike, fogbound, confusing, overcast, heavy, glaucous, unfree, semiopaque, vapourous, illegible, obscure, foggy, light-tight, impure, fogged, sunless, sullen, hazy, cloud-covered, confused, misty, vaporous, bounce

  34. gain, take in, clear, make, earn, realize, realise, pull in, bring inverb

    earn on some commercial or business transaction; earn as salary or wages

    "How much do you make a month in your new job?"; "She earns a lot in her new job"; "this merger brought in lots of money"; "He clears $5,000 each month"

    wee-wee, cause, receive, bring in, attract, make, arrive at, top, light up, recognise, draw, stool, have, solve, piddle, hold, overhear, draw in, sack, cod, unclutter, absorb, agnize, clear up, invite, garner, do, consume, earn, stimulate, pull, actualize, exculpate, assimilate, sort out, defecate, lay down, bring, make water, crystalise, name, pass water, actualise, exonerate, gull, make headway, crystalize, create, crap, collect, get to, pretend, cook, fool, suck, gain, build, authorize, assoil, adopt, gather, understand, crystallise, straighten out, establish, pee, discharge, realize, sop up, constitute, make up, introduce, take up, give, attain, see, pull in, urinate, take, form, derive, catch, befool, benefit, net, acquit, substantiate, wee, ca-ca, pull ahead, get, recognize, prepare, suck in, micturate, soak up, agnise, watch, throw, advance, profit, reach, take a shit, get ahead, illuminate, score, view, piss, sack up, make believe, induce, dupe, ingest, brighten, put on, pee-pee, ready, shit, relieve oneself, fetch, spend a penny, elucidate, take in, gather in, enlighten, puddle, take a crap, hit, produce, slang, gain ground, crystallize, acquire, suck up, move in, progress to, take a leak, authorise, get in, win, put one across, pass, put one over, nominate, shed light on, work, fix, realise, imbibe, seduce, construct

    confused, qualified, cloud-covered, milky, clouded, unfree, threatening, misty, guilty, heavy, impure, miasmic, fogbound, semiopaque, cloudy, lightproof, sullen, gross, vapourous, undiscerning, vague, troubled, indistinct, whitish, light-tight, vaporous, murky, leaden, brumous, confusing, solid, obscure, muddy, opaque, dull, frosted, foggy, blurred, mirky, obstructed, sunless, unclear, lowering, overcast, encumbered, miasmal, glaucous, milklike, cloudlike, nebular, illegible, puzzling, fogged, turbid, smoggy, perplexing, imperfect, hazy, bounce

  35. clearverb


    "We cleared a lot of the old model cars"

    discharge, earn, take in, elucidate, pull in, enlighten, sack, authorize, assoil, shed light on, crystalise, illuminate, light up, crystalize, make, crystallise, gain, realise, solve, exculpate, unclutter, pass, acquit, brighten, authorise, crystallize, clear up, bring in, exonerate, straighten out, sack up, top, sort out, realize, net

    fogbound, troubled, smoggy, semiopaque, misty, cloudlike, illegible, fogged, unclear, leaden, obstructed, confused, puzzling, overcast, cloud-covered, glaucous, muddy, milklike, vague, clouded, vapourous, lowering, turbid, lightproof, mirky, cloudy, whitish, impure, obscure, murky, confusing, frosted, opaque, imperfect, brumous, heavy, undiscerning, blurred, hazy, indistinct, miasmal, gross, threatening, miasmic, solid, perplexing, dull, milky, encumbered, guilty, sullen, qualified, light-tight, foggy, unfree, nebular, vaporous, sunless, bounce

  36. clearverb

    pass an inspection or receive authorization

    "clear customs"

    discharge, earn, take in, elucidate, pull in, enlighten, sack, authorize, assoil, shed light on, crystalise, illuminate, light up, crystalize, make, crystallise, gain, realise, solve, exculpate, unclutter, pass, acquit, brighten, authorise, crystallize, clear up, bring in, exonerate, straighten out, sack up, top, sort out, realize, net

    overcast, heavy, milky, miasmal, smoggy, clouded, cloud-covered, solid, milklike, gross, encumbered, obstructed, murky, blurred, troubled, cloudlike, qualified, obscure, sunless, turbid, undiscerning, misty, cloudy, nebular, vaporous, semiopaque, lightproof, light-tight, indistinct, unclear, whitish, fogged, brumous, frosted, imperfect, confused, vapourous, puzzling, muddy, leaden, mirky, fogbound, threatening, unfree, glaucous, foggy, impure, illegible, hazy, dull, confusing, vague, perplexing, sullen, guilty, opaque, miasmic, lowering, bounce

  37. acquit, assoil, clear, discharge, exonerate, exculpateverb

    pronounce not guilty of criminal charges

    "The suspect was cleared of the murder charges"

    unload, earn, exhaust, net, comport, dispatch, pull in, complete, bring in, expel, enlighten, sack, authorize, behave, straighten out, assoil, release, go off, drop off, shed light on, empty, crystalise, illuminate, light up, acquit, crystalize, deport, make, fire, crystallise, gain, take in, free, realise, carry, solve, exculpate, unclutter, set down, pass, put down, elucidate, brighten, authorise, conduct, clear up, discharge, exonerate, crystallize, sack up, top, sort out, eject, realize, muster out, drop, bear

    obstructed, milky, misty, confusing, puzzling, overcast, light-tight, blurred, troubled, lightproof, cloudlike, cloudy, opaque, unfree, brumous, impure, smoggy, clouded, cloud-covered, perplexing, sullen, heavy, foggy, mirky, muddy, lowering, illegible, undiscerning, unclear, solid, obscure, vapourous, whitish, nebular, glaucous, frosted, gross, murky, guilty, indistinct, miasmal, turbid, vague, imperfect, sunless, vaporous, fogged, milklike, semiopaque, encumbered, threatening, dull, hazy, qualified, leaden, fogbound, confused, miasmic, bounce

  38. clear, solveverb

    settle, as of a debt

    "clear a debt"; "solve an old debt"

    discharge, earn, take in, elucidate, pull in, enlighten, sack, authorize, assoil, shed light on, crystalise, illuminate, light up, lick, crystalize, resolve, make, crystallise, figure out, gain, realise, work, solve, exculpate, unclutter, pass, work out, acquit, brighten, authorise, crystallize, clear up, bring in, exonerate, straighten out, sack up, top, sort out, realize, puzzle out, net

    confusing, foggy, vague, puzzling, opaque, muddy, lowering, troubled, brumous, lightproof, guilty, blurred, threatening, glaucous, cloud-covered, cloudlike, fogged, imperfect, smoggy, turbid, cloudy, semiopaque, perplexing, leaden, sunless, obscure, sullen, fogbound, unclear, clouded, misty, hazy, undiscerning, unfree, obstructed, whitish, heavy, dull, nebular, gross, mirky, encumbered, qualified, miasmic, light-tight, milklike, murky, overcast, vapourous, solid, illegible, indistinct, miasmal, milky, vaporous, impure, confused, frosted, bounce

  39. clearverb

    make clear, bright, light, or translucent

    "The water had to be cleared through filtering"

    discharge, earn, take in, elucidate, pull in, enlighten, sack, authorize, assoil, shed light on, crystalise, illuminate, light up, crystalize, make, crystallise, gain, realise, solve, exculpate, unclutter, pass, acquit, brighten, authorise, crystallize, clear up, bring in, exonerate, straighten out, sack up, top, sort out, realize, net

    sullen, dull, qualified, whitish, encumbered, cloudlike, fogged, clouded, indistinct, milklike, turbid, smoggy, miasmic, threatening, misty, vague, cloud-covered, mirky, vapourous, vaporous, confused, foggy, solid, perplexing, murky, leaden, light-tight, semiopaque, opaque, undiscerning, cloudy, nebular, lightproof, obscure, milky, obstructed, fogbound, brumous, overcast, lowering, confusing, heavy, illegible, sunless, guilty, miasmal, gross, glaucous, unfree, puzzling, blurred, unclear, hazy, impure, imperfect, frosted, muddy, troubled, bounce

  40. clearverb

    rid of instructions or data

    "clear a memory buffer"

    discharge, earn, take in, elucidate, pull in, enlighten, sack, authorize, assoil, shed light on, crystalise, illuminate, light up, crystalize, make, crystallise, gain, realise, solve, exculpate, unclutter, pass, acquit, brighten, authorise, crystallize, clear up, bring in, exonerate, straighten out, sack up, top, sort out, realize, net

    imperfect, perplexing, vapourous, indistinct, cloudy, hazy, obscure, sullen, semiopaque, glaucous, miasmal, impure, undiscerning, opaque, dull, solid, light-tight, vaporous, heavy, murky, foggy, vague, overcast, unclear, encumbered, qualified, threatening, gross, frosted, nebular, clouded, misty, sunless, fogbound, muddy, guilty, obstructed, illegible, mirky, confusing, milklike, whitish, cloudlike, turbid, brumous, lowering, confused, cloud-covered, fogged, smoggy, unfree, miasmic, lightproof, puzzling, blurred, milky, leaden, troubled, bounce

  41. clearverb

    remove (people) from a building

    "clear the patrons from the theater after the bomb threat"

    discharge, earn, take in, elucidate, pull in, enlighten, sack, authorize, assoil, shed light on, crystalise, illuminate, light up, crystalize, make, crystallise, gain, realise, solve, exculpate, unclutter, pass, acquit, brighten, authorise, crystallize, clear up, bring in, exonerate, straighten out, sack up, top, sort out, realize, net

    glaucous, imperfect, cloudy, foggy, brumous, milky, miasmic, unclear, puzzling, vague, whitish, undiscerning, cloudlike, sullen, mirky, opaque, vapourous, gross, threatening, heavy, clouded, obscure, frosted, solid, lightproof, encumbered, blurred, unfree, nebular, hazy, smoggy, miasmal, confusing, qualified, perplexing, fogbound, semiopaque, sunless, obstructed, indistinct, murky, impure, fogged, guilty, confused, light-tight, dull, leaden, illegible, misty, turbid, milklike, cloud-covered, lowering, overcast, vaporous, muddy, troubled, bounce

  42. clearverb

    remove the occupants of

    "Clear the building"

    discharge, earn, take in, elucidate, pull in, enlighten, sack, authorize, assoil, shed light on, crystalise, illuminate, light up, crystalize, make, crystallise, gain, realise, solve, exculpate, unclutter, pass, acquit, brighten, authorise, crystallize, clear up, bring in, exonerate, straighten out, sack up, top, sort out, realize, net

    overcast, confused, whitish, encumbered, heavy, glaucous, sunless, brumous, blurred, solid, dull, puzzling, murky, perplexing, cloud-covered, obstructed, milklike, muddy, lightproof, qualified, vaporous, confusing, semiopaque, impure, guilty, fogbound, unclear, lowering, milky, misty, clouded, foggy, vapourous, obscure, smoggy, turbid, light-tight, fogged, nebular, troubled, frosted, unfree, hazy, vague, gross, mirky, cloudlike, imperfect, leaden, illegible, indistinct, sullen, cloudy, miasmic, opaque, miasmal, undiscerning, threatening, bounce

  43. clear, clear upadverb

    free (the throat) by making a rasping sound

    "Clear the throat"

    discharge, earn, take in, elucidate, pull in, wrap up, enlighten, sack, authorize, assoil, shed light on, finish up, crystalise, illuminate, light up, crystalize, make, polish off, crystallise, gain, mop up, clarify, realise, finish off, solve, exculpate, unclutter, pass, acquit, brighten, authorise, crystallize, clear up, bring in, exonerate, straighten out, sack up, top, sort out, realize, get through, net

    sunless, cloud-covered, solid, opaque, guilty, encumbered, imperfect, glaucous, vague, lightproof, sullen, smoggy, blurred, miasmal, foggy, murky, overcast, obscure, leaden, frosted, semiopaque, unfree, cloudlike, miasmic, brumous, whitish, impure, unclear, muddy, cloudy, perplexing, nebular, mirky, heavy, misty, fogbound, indistinct, qualified, troubled, hazy, obstructed, confusing, clouded, turbid, gross, lowering, milklike, milky, vaporous, puzzling, vapourous, dull, confused, light-tight, fogged, threatening, undiscerning, illegible, bounce

  44. clear, all the wayadverb


    "read the book clear to the end"; "slept clear through the night"; "there were open fields clear to the horizon"

    clearly, all the way, the whole way

    solid, guilty, light-tight, qualified, gross, whitish, confusing, cloudy, unclear, lightproof, hazy, miasmic, muddy, fogbound, clouded, impure, brumous, cloudlike, troubled, dull, vapourous, foggy, confused, smoggy, lowering, glaucous, murky, vaporous, heavy, misty, vague, blurred, unfree, sullen, nebular, puzzling, obstructed, semiopaque, sunless, miasmal, leaden, opaque, fogged, encumbered, imperfect, cloud-covered, indistinct, turbid, perplexing, milky, frosted, obscure, mirky, undiscerning, illegible, threatening, overcast, milklike, bounce

  45. clearly, clearadverb

    in an easily perceptible manner

    "could be seen clearly under the microscope"; "She cried loud and clear"

    clearly, all the way, understandably, intelligibly, distinctly

    muddy, mirky, vaporous, dull, perplexing, lightproof, cloudy, illegible, sunless, qualified, milklike, obstructed, glaucous, obscure, troubled, unclear, threatening, undiscerning, imperfect, sullen, light-tight, vague, vapourous, guilty, clouded, confused, opaque, fogbound, foggy, misty, frosted, brumous, nebular, murky, puzzling, cloud-covered, heavy, smoggy, milky, miasmal, hazy, miasmic, indistinct, impure, fogged, leaden, gross, lowering, whitish, confusing, encumbered, turbid, semiopaque, cloudlike, unfree, solid, blurred, overcast, bounce

Concise Medical Dictionary, by Joseph C Segen, MD0.0 / 0 votes

  1. CLEAR

    Comprehensive Licensing for Entities Accepting Risk

How to pronounce clear?

How to say clear in sign language?

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How to use clear in a sentence?

  1. Joe Biden:

    Donald Trump has turned Donald Trump back on the very people Donald Trump promised to help. Remember how Donald Trump was going to help the middle class, the cops, the firefighters, construction workers, auto workers, farmers, teachers, home health care workers... so many folks in places like Delaware, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin who have been whipsawed by changing world economy and left behind draconian policies of this administration, everybody knows who Donald Trump is. We've got to be clear who we are, who we are. We've got to understand that we Democrats, we choose hope over fear. We choose unity over division and we choose truth over lies.

  2. Ronald Krotoszynski Jr.:

    The House Democratic leadership should pledge now that if they win a majority, they will conduct an impeachment investigation, to get to the truth. Doing so today would make clear to the Senate Republicans that if they rush to judgment, in the absence of a full and fair investigation, there will still be an investigation.

  3. The NFL:

    The coaches' communications equipment, including the headsets, is provided by the NFL for both clubs' use on game day, the home team is responsible for the installation and maintenance of that equipment. Every team's game day communications personnel are required to work with the NFL communications consultants to ensure wireless equipment is free and clear of interference and address any problems. Technological and stadium infrastructure issues of this type happen at many stadiums around the league and whenever there are issues of this nature, we do a thorough review.

  4. Loretta Mester:

    We try to be as clear as possible about the rationale behind our decisions.

  5. Ron Johnson:

    There is no excuse for retaliation against VA whistle-blowers like Dr. Klein. The president’s recent executive order makes that abundantly clear. The VA should fully comply with the committee’s request and stop the retaliation against Dr. Klein, who was only trying to expose substandard patient care.

Translations for clear

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • شَفّاف, واضحArabic
  • яҡтыBashkir
  • разчиствам, изяснявам, напълно, съвсем, освобождавам се, оправдавам, покрай, чист, несъмнен, свободен, ясен, светъл, прозраченBulgarian
  • aclarir-se, rebutjar, clarCatalan, Valencian
  • mimo, vyjasnit, vyčistit, očistit, jasný, čirý, čistýCzech
  • opklare, rense, klare op, gennemføre, bane, gå fri af, klar, tydelig, god, fri, gennemsigtigDanish
  • räumen, freiräumen, abklären, ausräumen, entheben, freigeben, klar werden, klären, aufklären, befreien, roden, verrechnen, deutchlich, heiter, frei, hell, durchsichtig, wolkenlos, klar, rein, eindeutigGerman
  • σαφήςGreek
  • klaraEsperanto
  • desobstruir, aclarar, eximir, franquear, deforestar, desmontar, despejar, clarificar, esclarecer, despejarse, aclararse, despejado, claro, transparente, libre, limpio, nítido, obvio, definidoSpanish
  • ilmneEstonian
  • روشن استPersian
  • poissa, lupa, selvittää, selventää, selvä, selvitä, selventyä, siivota, hakata, kirkas, raivata, irti, väistää, kirkastua, kliirata, puhdas, selkeä, vapaa, viaton, kuulas, yksikäsitteinen, pilvetön, esteetön, syytön, läpinäkyvä, -ton, clear-tila, asia selväFinnish
  • clarifier, s'éclaircir, dégagé, sans ambiguïté, libre, transparent, clairFrench
  • glan, spéirghlanIrish
  • soilleirich, saor, soilleirScottish Gaelic
  • claroGalician
  • ניקה, סילוק, התבהר, פינוי, הבהיר, צלולה, נקי, צלול, ברורה, בהיר, פנוי, פנויה, ברורHebrew
  • स्पष्टHindi
  • tiszta, világos, mentes, egyértelműHungarian
  • մաքուր, ջինջ, պարզ, ազատArmenian
  • bersihIndonesian
  • chiarire, chiaro, pulito, sereno, libero, trasparente, pulireItalian
  • ברורHebrew
  • 晴れる, 透明, 晴朗, 澄み切ったJapanese
  • ಸ್ಪಷ್ಟKannada
  • 맑은, 결백한, 투명한, 명백한, 갠, 명확한Korean
  • ڕه‌وانKurdish
  • patet,Latin
  • kloerLuxembourgish, Letzeburgesch
  • skaidrs, dzidrsLatvian
  • tiraki, tāwai, whakaatea, waere, whakarakeMāori
  • jelasMalay
  • ontruimen, verduidelijken, weg van, vrijspreken, opklaren, helemaal, ruimen, vrijmaken, verklaren, ontheven, verrekenen, klaar, doorschijnend, doorzichtig, helder, duidelijk, onbewolkt, zuiver, vrij, wolkenloosDutch
  • ren, klar, fri, skyfri, gjennomsiktigNorwegian
  • jasnyPolish
  • څرګند, روڼ, صفاPashto, Pushto
  • fora, desobstruir, clarear, franquear, desmatar, desflorestar, através, longe, limpar, eximir, lucrar, livre, claro, desnublado, limpoPortuguese
  • clar, clerRomansh
  • limpede, liber, clar, senin, curatRomanian
  • разъяснить, оправдывать, пройти, рассеиваться, совсем, расчистить, очищать, прояснять, прояснить, проходить, оправдать, рассеяться, полностью, расчищать, очистить, разъяснять, в стороне, чистый, свободный, понятный, ясный, светлый, явный, прозрачный, чёткий, ЧистоRussian
  • craru, giaru, ciaru, claruSardinian
  • чи̏ст, čȉstSerbo-Croatian
  • očistiti, razjasniti, pojasniti, čist, jasenSlovene
  • klargöra, fria, klarna, gå igenom, frikänna, rensa, genomskinlig, klar, renSwedish
  • தெளிவானTamil
  • విముక్తి, నిస్సందేహము, విడుదల, నిర్మలము, నిరాటంకము, వర్ణరహితము, స్పష్టము, స్పష్టమైనTelugu
  • ชัดเจน, ใส, ปลอดโปร่ง, กระจ่างแจ้งThai
  • açıkTurkish
  • ясноUkrainian
  • صافUrdu
  • thông thoángVietnamese
  • קלאָרYiddish
  • 明确Chinese

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