What is another word for thick?

Synonyms for thick

This thesaurus page includes all potential synonyms, words with the same meaning and similar terms for the word thick.

Wiktionary0.0 / 0 votes

  1. thickadjective

    Friendly or intimate.

    They were as thick as thieves.

    glutinous, dense, teem, great, intimate, overflow, pally, stocky, broad, chummy, close-knit, thickset, friendly, unclear, chunky, packed, tight-knit, swarm, viscous, crowded, solid, close, opaque, extreme


  2. thickadjective

    Deep, intense, or profound.

    Thick darkness.

    chunky, unclear, great, teem, chummy, glutinous, stocky, intimate, opaque, viscous, close, tight-knit, thickset, extreme, broad, solid, pally, swarm, overflow, dense, packed, crowded, close-knit, friendly

  3. thickadjective

    dumb, thick as two short planks, dense, stupid, thick as pigshit

    brainy, intelligent, smart

  4. thickadjective

    Relatively great in extent from one surface to the opposite in its smallest solid dimension.

    Snow lay thick on the ground.

    chummy, stocky, unclear, friendly, thickset, broad, packed, close-knit, extreme, dense, pally, intimate, glutinous, teem, tight-knit, chunky, close, great, overflow, solid, viscous, swarm, crowded, opaque

    thin, slim

  5. thickadjective

    Measuring a certain number of units in this dimension.

    I want some planks that are two inches thick.

    solid, chummy, stocky, friendly, tight-knit, intimate, unclear, teem, close-knit, opaque, dense, thickset, crowded, pally, broad, packed, chunky, close, extreme, great, swarm, overflow, glutinous, viscous

  6. thickadjective

    Heavy in build; thickset.

    He had such a thick neck that he had to turn his body to look to the side.

    teem, intimate, glutinous, chunky, extreme, dense, chummy, stocky, friendly, packed, swarm, tight-knit, viscous, close, thickset, opaque, crowded, great, unclear, overflow, pally, close-knit, broad, solid

    slender, slim, slight, svelte, thin

  7. thickadjective

    Densely crowded or packed.

    We walked through thick undergrowth.

    glutinous, stocky, dense, crowded, unclear, friendly, packed, teem, swarm, opaque, pally, chummy, great, thickset, solid, extreme, close, close-knit, overflow, viscous, chunky, intimate, broad, tight-knit


  8. thickadjective

    Having a viscous consistency.

    My mum’s gravy was thick but at least it moved about.

    packed, crowded, tight-knit, swarm, overflow, opaque, close-knit, thickset, glutinous, dense, extreme, unclear, intimate, teem, close, chunky, chummy, viscous, solid, pally, stocky, friendly, great, broad

    free-flowing, runny

  9. thickadjective

    Abounding in number.

    The room was thick with reporters.

    intimate, close, overflow, solid, packed, chunky, tight-knit, teem, friendly, great, close-knit, crowded, extreme, unclear, swarm, viscous, stocky, glutinous, chummy, broad, opaque, thickset, dense, pally

  10. thickadjective

    Impenetrable to sight.

    We drove through thick fog.

    teem, overflow, opaque, dense, glutinous, tight-knit, close, great, stocky, pally, thickset, crowded, swarm, chunky, intimate, solid, friendly, broad, chummy, packed, extreme, unclear, viscous, close-knit

    thin, transparent

  11. thickadjective

    Difficult to understand, or poorly articulated.

    We had difficulty understanding him with his thick accent.

    extreme, packed, tight-knit, close, stocky, viscous, close-knit, thickset, solid, swarm, friendly, unclear, opaque, great, overflow, dense, chummy, teem, intimate, crowded, broad, chunky, pally, glutinous

    clear, lucid

  12. thickadjective


    He was as thick as two short planks.

    chunky, thickset, dense, packed, teem, close-knit, crowded, glutinous, extreme, friendly, broad, overflow, intimate, chummy, great, opaque, close, unclear, swarm, tight-knit, stocky, pally, viscous, solid

Princeton's WordNet3.0 / 1 vote

  1. midst, thickadjective

    the location of something surrounded by other things

    "in the midst of the crowd"


    tenuous, light, hyperfine, vaporous, see-through, cobwebby, paper thin, distant, distributed, gauzy, threadlike, rarified, penetrable, hairlike, filmy, fine, remote, filamentlike, sleazy, gauze-like, wafer-thin, thin, filiform, papery, vapourous, transparent, ribbony, diaphanous, smart, intelligible, ribbonlike, rarefied, gossamer, slender, thready, depressed, rare, capillary, bladed, sheer, flat, tall, filamentous, compressed, scarce, mild

  2. thickadjective

    not thin; of a specific thickness or of relatively great extent from one surface to the opposite usually in the smallest of the three solid dimensions

    "an inch thick"; "a thick board"; "a thick sandwich"; "spread a thick layer of butter"; "thick coating of dust"; "thick warm blankets"

    dense, duncical, duncish, stocky, thickheaded, boneheaded, loggerheaded, blockheaded, chummy, thick-skulled, thickset, deep, wooden-headed, compact, fatheaded, heavyset, buddy-buddy, thick(p), slurred

    ribbony, cobwebby, rarified, capillary, smart, flat, gossamer, filamentous, thin, filmy, compressed, penetrable, transparent, papery, light, rarefied, remote, sleazy, scarce, hyperfine, ribbonlike, diaphanous, paper thin, tall, intelligible, filamentlike, see-through, bladed, fine, vapourous, filiform, gauze-like, vaporous, thready, rare, distributed, gauzy, sheer, threadlike, mild, slender, hairlike, tenuous, wafer-thin, depressed, distant

  3. thickadjective

    having component parts closely crowded together

    "a compact shopping center"; "a dense population"; "thick crowds"; "a thick forest"; "thick hair"

    dense, duncical, duncish, stocky, thickheaded, boneheaded, loggerheaded, blockheaded, chummy, thick-skulled, thickset, deep, wooden-headed, compact, fatheaded, heavyset, buddy-buddy, thick(p), slurred

    compressed, thin, smart, cobwebby, rarefied, remote, threadlike, hyperfine, filamentous, slender, depressed, mild, ribbony, diaphanous, tenuous, scarce, fine, filmy, rarified, intelligible, capillary, gauzy, light, thready, flat, see-through, filiform, distributed, gauze-like, vaporous, gossamer, transparent, paper thin, papery, sleazy, ribbonlike, hairlike, filamentlike, rare, wafer-thin, distant, bladed, penetrable, tall, vapourous, sheer

  4. thickadjective

    relatively dense in consistency

    "thick cream"; "thick soup"; "thick smoke"; "thick fog"

    dense, duncical, duncish, stocky, thickheaded, boneheaded, loggerheaded, blockheaded, chummy, thick-skulled, thickset, deep, wooden-headed, compact, fatheaded, heavyset, buddy-buddy, thick(p), slurred

    see-through, vapourous, transparent, bladed, slender, ribbony, capillary, sleazy, thready, distant, tenuous, gauze-like, filamentous, gauzy, light, rarefied, rare, threadlike, scarce, fine, remote, rarified, filmy, sheer, tall, gossamer, ribbonlike, vaporous, thin, papery, cobwebby, diaphanous, compressed, hyperfine, filamentlike, distributed, hairlike, penetrable, smart, intelligible, depressed, wafer-thin, mild, flat, paper thin, filiform

  5. slurred, thickadjective

    spoken as if with a thick tongue

    "the thick speech of a drunkard"; "his words were slurred"

    dense, duncical, duncish, stocky, thickheaded, boneheaded, loggerheaded, blockheaded, chummy, thick-skulled, thickset, deep, wooden-headed, compact, fatheaded, heavyset, buddy-buddy, thick(p), slurred

    tenuous, remote, rare, sheer, scarce, rarified, thin, compressed, gauzy, tall, thready, flat, mild, see-through, slender, capillary, vapourous, hyperfine, papery, threadlike, filamentous, gossamer, gauze-like, sleazy, wafer-thin, ribbony, cobwebby, filmy, paper thin, light, distant, bladed, distributed, filamentlike, rarefied, transparent, penetrable, diaphanous, filiform, vaporous, intelligible, ribbonlike, smart, depressed, hairlike, fine

  6. compact, heavyset, stocky, thick, thicksetadjective

    having a short and solid form or stature

    "a wrestler of compact build"; "he was tall and heavyset"; "stocky legs"; "a thickset young man"

    dense, duncical, duncish, wooden-headed, thickheaded, boneheaded, loggerheaded, blockheaded, summary, chummy, thick-skulled, thickset, deep, compact, stocky, succinct, compendious, heavyset, buddy-buddy, thick(p), fatheaded, slurred

    filiform, smart, tenuous, flat, thin, slender, bladed, gossamer, remote, see-through, fine, intelligible, paper thin, rarified, rarefied, filamentlike, filamentous, ribbonlike, mild, thready, sleazy, capillary, filmy, vaporous, gauzy, hairlike, gauze-like, rare, cobwebby, penetrable, distributed, vapourous, light, diaphanous, ribbony, hyperfine, scarce, depressed, tall, transparent, distant, wafer-thin, compressed, threadlike, papery, sheer

  7. dense, thickadjective

    hard to pass through because of dense growth

    "dense vegetation"; "thick woods"

    duncical, duncish, dull, dim, thickheaded, thick(p), loggerheaded, dense, impenetrable, chummy, thick-skulled, thickset, dumb, deep, slow, blockheaded, heavy, compact, stocky, boneheaded, wooden-headed, heavyset, obtuse, buddy-buddy, fatheaded, slurred

    hyperfine, thin, papery, flat, tenuous, tall, gauzy, sheer, filamentlike, filamentous, slender, bladed, rarefied, distant, ribbonlike, remote, gossamer, filmy, gauze-like, light, cobwebby, ribbony, transparent, rare, compressed, penetrable, depressed, intelligible, see-through, scarce, smart, filiform, rarified, paper thin, sleazy, vapourous, fine, vaporous, capillary, mild, diaphanous, distributed, wafer-thin, threadlike, hairlike, thready

  8. thick, deepadjective

    (of darkness) very intense

    "thick night"; "thick darkness"; "a face in deep shadow"; "deep night"

    dense, duncical, duncish, stocky, thickheaded, boneheaded, loggerheaded, mystifying, blockheaded, cryptical, chummy, thick-skulled, rich, thickset, deep, abstruse, wooden-headed, compact, fatheaded, recondite, inscrutable, heavyset, cryptic, buddy-buddy, mysterious, bass, thick(p), slurred

    slender, tenuous, intelligible, wafer-thin, rarified, distant, flat, mild, scarce, hairlike, filiform, gossamer, sheer, smart, thin, diaphanous, thready, capillary, ribbony, penetrable, papery, gauzy, filmy, remote, filamentlike, rarefied, filamentous, distributed, sleazy, transparent, threadlike, hyperfine, gauze-like, see-through, paper thin, cobwebby, rare, vaporous, vapourous, ribbonlike, tall, light, depressed, compressed, fine, bladed

  9. chummy, buddy-buddy, thick(p)adjective

    (used informally) associated on close terms

    "a close friend"; "the bartender was chummy with the regular customers"; "the two were thick as thieves for months"

    thin, mild, wafer-thin, compressed, filmy, gauze-like, distant, rarified, capillary, flat, ribbony, tenuous, transparent, tall, ribbonlike, depressed, scarce, filamentous, thready, gauzy, diaphanous, hairlike, sheer, cobwebby, smart, see-through, papery, bladed, remote, slender, distributed, gossamer, vapourous, filamentlike, paper thin, rarefied, threadlike, intelligible, sleazy, filiform, rare, light, penetrable, hyperfine, vaporous, fine

  10. blockheaded, boneheaded, duncical, duncish, fatheaded, loggerheaded, thick, thickheaded, thick-skulled, wooden-headedadjective

    (used informally) stupid

    dense, duncical, duncish, wooden-headed, thickheaded, boneheaded, loggerheaded, blockheaded, chummy, thick-skulled, thickset, deep, stocky, compact, fatheaded, heavyset, buddy-buddy, thick(p), slurred

    see-through, threadlike, hyperfine, sleazy, wafer-thin, filmy, gossamer, filamentlike, thin, gauzy, thready, rarefied, vapourous, paper thin, diaphanous, gauze-like, sheer, vaporous, penetrable, papery, tall, capillary, bladed, hairlike, fine, tenuous, compressed, rarified, intelligible, light, smart, distributed, scarce, filamentous, flat, ribbony, depressed, rare, mild, ribbonlike, filiform, distant, cobwebby, remote, slender, transparent

  11. thickadverb

    abounding; having a lot of

    "the top was thick with dust"

    dense, duncical, duncish, stocky, thickheaded, boneheaded, loggerheaded, blockheaded, chummy, thick-skulled, thickset, deep, wooden-headed, compact, fatheaded, heavyset, buddy-buddy, thick(p), slurred

    distant, light, depressed, slender, smart, filamentous, thready, flat, tenuous, sheer, thin, ribbonlike, hairlike, threadlike, fine, remote, compressed, hyperfine, filiform, capillary, intelligible, tall, papery, distributed, see-through, vaporous, gauzy, paper thin, vapourous, ribbony, wafer-thin, rare, sleazy, penetrable, gossamer, bladed, filamentlike, scarce, rarified, diaphanous, transparent, rarefied, mild, filmy, gauze-like, cobwebby

  12. thickly, thickadverb

    with a thick consistency

    "the blood was flowing thick"

    densely, thickly

    gauze-like, ribbonlike, filamentlike, ribbony, gossamer, mild, light, remote, compressed, flat, gauzy, capillary, rare, rarified, hairlike, tenuous, paper thin, threadlike, distant, filmy, thready, transparent, filiform, distributed, see-through, cobwebby, vaporous, rarefied, filamentous, wafer-thin, papery, tall, smart, fine, diaphanous, vapourous, thin, sleazy, sheer, hyperfine, scarce, slender, depressed, intelligible, penetrable, bladed

  13. thick, thicklyadverb

    in quick succession

    "misfortunes come fast and thick"

    densely, thickly

    vaporous, thin, intelligible, flat, penetrable, vapourous, bladed, gauzy, cobwebby, hyperfine, see-through, filamentlike, capillary, threadlike, tenuous, hairlike, fine, distributed, rare, papery, diaphanous, depressed, smart, rarefied, gauze-like, ribbonlike, ribbony, filamentous, compressed, light, scarce, wafer-thin, transparent, tall, sheer, rarified, filmy, paper thin, filiform, distant, sleazy, slender, thready, mild, remote, gossamer

Editors Contribution0.0 / 0 votes

  1. fat

    any ester of fatty acids, or a mixture of such compounds; most commonly those that occur in living beings or in food.

    her tummy was thick.

    Submitted by anonymous on February 23, 2021  

Dictionary of English Synonymes0.0 / 0 votes

  1. thickadjective

    not thin (in measure)

  2. thickadjective

    dumpy, squab, squat, plump, bulky

  3. thickadjective

    dense, gross, inspissate, inspissated, not thin (in consistence)

  4. thickadjective

    turbid, muddy, roiled, not clear, not transparent

  5. thickadjective

    abundant, frequent, close, compact, crowded, closely set, in quick succession

  6. thickadjective

    indistinct, inarticulate

  7. thickadjective

    dull, not quick

  8. thickadjective

    [Colloquial.] intimate, familiar, friendly, hand and glove, hail fellow well met

  9. thicknoun

    thickest part

  10. thickadjective

    frequently, fast, quick

  11. thickadjective

    densely, closely, thickly

  12. thickadjective

    to a great depth

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated Words0.0 / 0 votes

  1. thickadjective

    dense, coagulated, crass, gross, inspissate, inspissated, grumous, incrassated, compact, turbid, roily, feculent, muddy, intimate, confidential

PPDB, the paraphrase database0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for "thick":

    thickness, dense, hau, heavy, bulk, thickened, coarse, meinung, thin

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How to use thick in a sentence?

  1. Moir Walita Mkandawire:

    We have lost a lot of trees and we now still continue losing them, at a chilling rate. Our mountains and hills that had thick forests are now bare except for a few trees and shrubs.

  2. Samuel Butler:

    The advantage of doing one's praising for oneself is that one can lay it on so thick and in exactly the right places.

  3. H. W. Dodds:

    A thick head can do as much damage as a hard heart.

  4. Emily Charlton-Smith:

    The fit was great and the quality was thick enough.

  5. Saad Mukhtar:

    Thick black smoke could be seen rising from some of the rooms, the fighting is still going on, so we had to leave.

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